Comunicati stampa - IPB-ITALIA - Associazione per la pace, il disarmo, la soluzione nonviolenta dei conflitti


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Comunicato stampa del 25 febbraio 2006

9 marzo 2006 Pubblicato da roberto

All’attenzione dei Sigg. Giornalisti delle Redazioni in indirizzo
con preghiera di massima diffusione.

L’Ufficio Italiano di IPB (International Peace Bureau è tutt’oggi la Federazione di volontari per la pace più vasta nel mondo con l’adesione di oltre 20 organizzazioni internazionali e 266 nazionali in 60 Paesi, con la sua importante storia nata ancora nel XIX secolo, il premio Nobel per la Pace conferitole nel 1910 e la sua alta credibilità internazionale cresciuta attraverso importanti iniziative e campagne di pace internazionali.) e il Comune di Lugo di Romagna

Con il patrocinio della Commissione Italiana U.N.E.S.C.O, della Provincia di Ravenna, della Croce Rossa Italiana e dell’Università di Bologna,
con la collaborazione del Consiglio Regionale Toscano,
e l’amichevole partecipazione del Comune di Fusignano,. del Comune di Campi Bisenzio, dell’”Associazione Nazionale Insigniti Onoreficenze Cavalleresche”, dell’Associazione culturale e di impegno civile “AssoKipling”, di “The Gorbachev Foundation – Italia”, del Gruppo Hera e di CinemaCity

hanno organizzato la Terza Edizione del

Premio Internazionale in lingua Italiana
Città di Lugo

Il Premio, ormai tradizionalmente, si propone -con la richiesta agli autori concorrenti di presentare un racconto di genere fiabesco che metta in risalto i temi inerenti il bene supremo della pace- di centrare un nuovo e diverso fuoco di attenzione sui temi della Pace attualizzando anche sul territorio Italiano le principali linee guida di quella “Peace Education” -già applicata in alcune Nazioni del Mondo Occidentale- che si rivolge alla organica riduzione e risoluzione dei conflitti in un progetto sul lungo periodo attraverso una didattica multidisciplinare.

La presente Edizione, di cui è Presidente Onorario la scrittrice Dacia Maraini, vedrà una particolare attenzione rivolta agli autori che vivano condizioni di disagio, soprattutto ospiti di case di riposo, case di cura e detenuti, con l’attribuzione di Premi Speciali e un rapporto privilegiato con gli organizzatori del Premio

Si allega copia del bando di concorso.

Ulteriori informazioni su:

I Sigg. Giornalisti interessati potranno richiedere la documentazione/stampa relativa alla presente e alla precedente edizione a:
Assokipling - Via dell’Orto, 7 - 50124 Firenze
Tel./fax +39 055 220166

Nota: Scarica il comunicato

Categorie: Comunicati stampa, III edizione 2006, Una favola per la Pace | | Nessun Commento »

Contributo di IPB-Italia alla giornata della pace

9 marzo 2006 Pubblicato da roberto

A Lugo di Romagna venerdi’ 10 marzo alle ore 12,30 ha luogo la conferenza stampa che lancia ufficialmente la terza edizione del Premio Letterario Internazionale UNA FAVOLA PER LA PACE.

Concorso letterario aperto ad adulti, studenti di tutte le scuole di ogni ordine e grado, anziani “i nonni di tutti” ospiti delle case di riposo, i carcerati delle carceri di Firenze, Bologna, Forli’ e Ravenna, i provveditorati delle scuole UNESCO di Roma a Genevra assicurano una vasta diffusione di questo premio presso tutte le scuole dei paesi UNESCO.

La Scuola Traduttori-Interpreti dell’Universita’ di Bologna cura le traduzioni dalle lingue straniere in italiano.
Le favole vincitrici verranno premiate a Lugo di Romagna il giorno 7 Ottobre 2006 alle ore 15,30 nel Teatro Rossini. alla presenza del Presidente Onorario del Comitato D’Onore la scrittrice Dacia Maraini(informazioni sul sito
Le favole vincitrici verranno pubblicate in una antologia.

La voglia di pace di tutti grandi e piccini, emarginati, si incontra nel mondo del fantastico del sogno. Culture e realta’ differenti si incontrano per costruire almeno nella fantasia il mondo che vorremmo.
Draghi, principesse, re e cavalieri storie incredibili tutte con un motivo in comune……la voglia di PACE.
Una favola per la pace, coriandoli di speranza sul mondo PER UN SOGNO DI PACE.

10 favole delle precedenti edizioni tradotte in lingua araba e kurda verranno portate la prossima settimana in Irak per essere lette a grandi e piccini nelle scuole cosi’ come alle cerimonie ufficiali perche’ la voglia di pace non ha eta’.

Ecco il contributo dell’ufficio italiano dell’International Peace Bureau alla GIORNATA DELLA PACE 2006.

Nota: Scarica il comunicato

Categorie: Comunicati stampa, Dalla Società Civile, Iniziative | | Nessun Commento »

URANIO - Storia di un’Italia impoverita

16 dicembre 2005 Pubblicato da roberto

Si segnala la pubblicazione, nel sito di Peacelink, dell’intervista (e recensione allegata) all’autore del libro “URANIO - Storia di un’Italia impoverita”, Domenico Leggiero, responsabile del comparto Difesa dell’Osservatorio Militare e attivo da lungo tempo sul fronte della tutela della salute dei nostri militari soggetti all’uso delle armi all’uranio impoverito nei teatri di guerra.

“Uranio” è un libro di fatti, di documentazione, di storie di malattie e di morti - le storie dei nostri soldati tornati dal loro servizio sui fronti delle “guerre umanitarie” dei giorni nostri. Ma nel contempo il libro ci racconta il perché di queste morti, anche attraverso i documenti della commissione d’inchiesta finalmente attivata. E’, secondo le parole dell’autore, “un libro di storia contemporanea”.

Leggi tutto (intervista e recensione) dal sito di Peacelink!

Categorie: Comunicati stampa, Dalla Società Civile | | Nessun Commento »

Incendiary weapons: The big white lie

18 novembre 2005 Pubblicato da roberto

A pair of interesting articles from foreign press and others…

US finally admits using white phosphorus in Fallujah - and beyond.
Iraqis investigate if civilians were targeted with deadly chemical .

- Andrew Buncombe in Washington, Kim Sengupta in Baghdad and Colin Brown - Published: 17 November 2005
- Some questions and answers about white phosphorus and other weapons.
- A kindly list of Bush’s arsenal with various questions and answers about it’s use in the recent war sceneries.

The Iraqi government is to investigate the United States military’s use of white phosphorus shells during the battle of Fallujah - an inquiry that could reveal whether American forces breached a fundamental international weapons treaty.

Iraq’s acting Human Rights minister, Narmin Othman, said last night that a team would be dispatched to Fallujah to try to ascertain conclusively whether civilians had been killed or injured by the incendiary weapon.
The use of white phosphorus (WP) and other incendiary weapons such as napalm against civilians is prohibited.

The announcement came as John Reid, the Secretary of State for Defence, faced mounting calls for an inquiry into the use of WP by British forces as well as what Britain knew about its deployment by American troops. Mr Reid said that he would look into the matter.

The move by the Iraqi government and the growing concern at Westminster follows the Pentagon’s confirmation to The Independent earlier this week that WP had been used during the battle of Fallujah last November and the presentation of persuasive evidence that civilians had been among the victims.

The fresh controversy over Fallujah, which has raged for a full 12 months, was initially sparked last week by a documentary by the Italian state broadcaster, RAI, which claimed there were numerous civilian casualties. A Pentagon spokesman said yesterday he would “not be surprised” if WP had been used by US forces elsewhere in Iraq.

Lt-Col Barry Venable said the incendiary shells were a regular part of the troops’ munitions. “I would not rule out the possibility that it has been used in other locations.” The Pentagon’s admission of WP’s use - it can burn a person down to the bone - has proved to be a huge embarrassment to some elements of the US government.

In a letter to this newspaper, the American ambassador to London, Robert Tuttle, claimed that US forces “do not use napalm or WP as weapons” .

Confronted with the Pentagon’s admission, an embassy spokesperson said Mr Tuttle would not be commenting further and “all questions on WP” should be referred to the Pentagon. The US embassy in Rome had issued a similar denial.

The size or scale of the inquiry to be undertaken by the Iraqi government is unclear, and it is not known when its investigators will arrive in Fallujah. An official with the human rights ministry said that while it was also not known how long the inquiry would take, “the people of Fallujah will be fully consulted”. The Pentagon says the use of incendiary weapons against military targets is not prohibited.

But the article two, protocol III of the 1980 UN Convention on Certain Weapons bans their use against civilians.

Perhaps of crucial importance to the Iraqi investigators, the treaty also restricts their use against military targets “inside a concentration of civilians except when such military objective is clearly separated from the concentration of civilians”.

Mr Reid confirmed yesterday that British troops had used WP in Iraq, though he said the shells had only been used to make smoke to obscure troops movements, which experts say is their primary function.

“Neither it nor any other munitions are used against civilians. It is not a chemical weapon,” he said. Speaking at a Nato training exercise in Germany, where he was visiting British troops bound for Afghanistan, Mr Reid said the US’s use of WP was a “matter for the US”.

However, last week Mr Reid indicated that he would raise the issues contained within the RAI documentary if presented with evidence.

But last night MPs were openly dismissive of Mr Reid’s comments and called for an inquiry, saying they had previously been misled about the US’s use of napalm in Iraq. The US had drawn a distinction between
conventional napalm and updated Mk 77 firebombs, which experts say are virtually identical.

Mike Gapes, the Labour chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, said: “I think there is an issue here about whether the chemical weapons convention should be strengthened to include this particular substance because it is defined as an incendiary not a chemical weapon, therefore it is excluded from certain definitions.”

Sir Menzies Campbell, the Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, said: ” The use of this weapon may technically have been legal, but its effects are such that it will hand a propaganda victory to the insurgency. The denial of use followed by the admission will simply convince the doubters that there was something to hide.” So far, the fall-out in the US over the revelation has been minimal. But the former president Bill Clinton yesterday told students at the American University of Dubai that he did not agree with invasion of Iraq.

The battle of Fallujah, an insurgent stronghold, took place over two weeks last November. It led to the displacement of 300,000 people.
Reports from refugee camps and from an Iraqi doctor who stayed in the city during the fighting suggest numerous civilians suffered burns and “melting skin” . Photographs show rows of bodies charred almost beyond recognition.

Chemical legitimately used or a WMD?

What is white phosphorus?

White phosphorus is a highly flammable incendiary material which ignites when exposed to oxygen, and will burn human skin until all the oxygen is used up. A doctor from Fallujah described victims in the US siege “who had their skin melted”.

White phosphorus, known as WP or Willy Pete in the military, flares in spectacular bursts with a yellow flame when fired from artillery shells and produces dense white smoke. It is used as a smokescreen for troop movements and to illuminate a battlefield.

Is it a chemical weapon?

No. White phosphorus has thermal properties which burn by heating everything around it, rather than chemical properties which attack the body’s life systems . It therefore does not fall under the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention. But protocol III of the 1980 Convention on Conventional Weapons bans its use as an incendiary weapon against civilian populations.

So what is all the fuss about?

The US ambassador to London, Robert Tuttle, said in a letter to The Independent that “US forces do not use napalm or phosphorus as a weapon. ” The US position was that white phosphorus used as a smokescreen was legitimate - a position outlined by John Reid, the Defence Secretary, yesterday.

But a Pentagon statement on Tuesday appears to have shifted the argument. It said that US troops had used the white phosphorus as a weapon against insurgents. The State Department meanwhile corrected a statement, according to which white phosphorus was “fired into the air to illuminate enemy positions at night, not at enemy fighters”. Now the argument focuses on whether those being targeted were insurgents or civilians, and, of course, in a place like Fallujah, this grey area gives the US more of a get-out clause.

Humanitarian law distinguishes between combatants and non-combatants. If the white phosphorus was used against insurgents they qualify as combatants and there has been no protocol breach.

Both the US and the UK have signed the convention, but Washington declared at the time of the signing of protocol III in 1995 that its military doctrine would abide by the protocol’s provisions. These stipulate that the military distinguishes between military and civilian targets.

If it turns out that civilians were killed, what legal recourse is there?

If an Iraqi investigation provides evidence that civilians were killed by white phosphorus as a weapon, there is no recourse under the Conventional Weapons Convention.

However, the 1977 first protocol to the Geneva Conventions could be invoked. The United States has signed but not ratified the protocol which relates to the 4th Convention which considers the treatment of civilians.

Article 35 of the protocol makes it clear that the use and methods of use of “weapons of warfare are not unlimited.” Any weapon or use of weapon that causes “superfluous or unnecessary suffering” is outlawed. The indiscriminate use of phosphorus on a civilian population would be covered.

Breaches of the Geneva Conventions are brought by individual countries and are usually heard by the United Nations at Security Council level, or in the International Court of Justice.

Peter Carter QC, an expert in international law and chairman of the Bar’s human rights committee, said the latest US admissions raised serious concerns about whether white phosphorus was indiscriminately used against civilians. He called for an independent inquiry, possibly through the United Nations, into the use of white phosphorus in Iraq.

Why has all this come out so long after the Fallujah siege?

An Italian television documentary last week, accused the US of using white phosphorus in a “massive and indiscriminate way” against civilians at Fallujah.

This was denied by the Pentagon, but witnesses in the US military’s Field Artillery magazine described firing ‘”shake and bake” missions at insurgents and high explosive shells to “take them out”. The Independent’s coverage of the RAI documentary and fallout prompted a letter from Ambassador Tuttle.

What does the US ambassador say now?

No comment. He referred all questions to the Pentagon.

Anne Penketh and Robert Verkaik


The allegation

Napalm/Mark 77s

Widespread reports during the initial US-led invasion in March 2003 suggested marines had dropped incendiary bombs over the Tigris river and the Saddam canal on the way to Baghdad.

Cluster bombs

33 civilians, including many children, were reportedly killed in a US cluster bomb attack on Hilla, south of Baghdad. Reports of attacks on Basra were also widespread.

White Phosphorus

Coalition troops were reported to have used WP indiscriminately against civilians and insurgents during the Fallujah offensive of November 2004.

What the US said

Napalm/Mark 77s

The Pentagon denied reports it had used napalm, saying it had last used the weapon in 1993 and destroyed its last batch in 2001. “We don’t even have that in our arsenal.”

Cluster bombs

General Richard Myers, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said coalition forces dropped nearly 1,500 cluster bombs during the war and only 26 fell within 1,500ft of civilian areas.

White Phosphorus

“[WP was used] very sparingly in Fallujah, for illumination. They were fired into the air to illuminate enemy positions at night, not at enemy fighters.” US State Department

How the UK backed them up

Napalm/Mark 77s

“The US have confirmed to us they have not used Mk 77 firebombs, essentially napalm canisters, in Iraq at any time.” Adam Ingram, Armed Forces minister, January 2004

Cluster bombs

The MoD said it supported the use of cluster bombs against legitimate military targets to protect British troops and civilians, insisting care was taken to avoid populated areas.

White Phosphorus

“Use of phosphorus by the US is a matter for the US,” Tony Blair’s spokesman said yesterday.

How the US came clean

Napalm/Mark 77s

It took five months for the US to admit its marines had used Mk 77 firebombs (a close relative of napalm) in the invasion. The Pentagon said their functions were “remarkably similar”.

Cluster bombs

General Myers admitted: “In some cases, we hit those targets knowing there would be a chance of collateral damage.” It was “unfortunate” that “we had to make these choices”.

White Phosphorus

Pentagon spokesman Lt-Col Barry Venable said this week that WP had been used, “to fire at the enemy” in Iraq. “It burns… it’s an incendiary weapon. That is what it does.”

How the UK came clean

Napalm/Mark 77s

“First of all they didn’t use napalm. They used a firebomb. It doesn’t stick to your skin like napalm, it doesn’t have the horrible effects of that. ” John Reid, Defence Secretary

Cluster bombs

Adam Ingram, Armed Forces minister, said: “There were troops [and] equipment in and around built-up areas, therefore bombs were used to take out the threat to our troops.”

White Phosphorus

The Government maintains it used WP in Iraq only to lay smoke screens. ”
We do not use white phosphorus against civilians,” the Defence Secretary John Reid said.

Categorie: Comunicati stampa, Nel mondo | Tags: | Nessun Commento »

La prima tappa della mostra su Hiroshima e Nagasaki

27 agosto 2005 Pubblicato da roberto


LA LUNGA OMBRA DEL SOLE DI HIROSHIMA - Immagini per non dimenticare.
A Campi Bisenzio una mostra documentale. L’inaugurazione in Comune il 2 settembre alle ore 18.

Per non dimenticare gli orrori della “Bomba” e ricordare alle nuove generazioni il rischio tuttora esistente di un olocausto globale a causa delle armi nucleari.
Una mostra fotografica e multimediale, una ricchezza documentale che sarà possibile visitare a Campi Bisenzio vicino Firenze, a partire da sabato 3 settembre.

E’ questa la novità che IPB-Italia, l’ufficio italiano dell’International Peace Bureau di Ginevra, ha ideato e realizzato, con il contributo della comunità giapponese Associazione Lailac di Firenze, nell’ambito delle iniziative a favore della Campagna “Majors for Peace” originata dai sindaci di Hiroshima e Nagasaki e di cui è testimonial in Italia. Una mostra itinerante, che porterà in seguito anche in altre sedi, presso i Comuni che hanno aderito alla Campagna, l’impatto visivo ed emotivo di video ed immagini che vogliono restare indelebili negli orrori ma nello stesso tempo accendere desideri di speranza e invitare alla promozione di iniziative culturali, politiche ed educative, volte alla realizzazione concreta di un disarmo nucleare a livello mondiale.

“No more Hiroshima”. “Mai più!”. Dev’essere il grido e l’intenzione di tutti noi, e il passaggio da utopia a realtà dovrà quindi trovare lo sforzo di ciascuno, nei singoli come pure nelle istituzioni e nella “società civile”, a tutti i livelli delle proprie competenze e possibilità.
IPB-Italia ha voluto dedicare questa mostra innanzitutto agli Hibakusha, i sopravvissuti alle esplosioni atomiche di Hiroshima e di Nagasaki, che - anziani e spesso sofferenti - erano comunque davanti al Palazzo di Vetro delle Nazioni Unite a New York nei giorni della revisione del trattato NPT, per manifestare con la loro propria personale e devastante esperienza tutto l’orrore per la minaccia di nuovi conflitti nucleari a cui tutti noi siamo esposti.

La mostra si terrà presso la sala consiliare del Comune di Campi Bisenzio (FI) dal 3 al 18 settembre, orario 10-12, 15-18. La sua inaugurazione è prevista il 2 settembre alle ore 18.

Categorie: Comunicati stampa, Mayors for Peace | Tags: , , | Nessun Commento »