Per IPB una doppia presidenza - IPB-ITALIA - Associazione per la pace, il disarmo, la soluzione nonviolenta dei conflitti


Associazione per la pace, il disarmo, la soluzione nonviolenta dei conflitti

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Per IPB una doppia presidenza

9 ottobre 2010 di roberto

Al termine della conferenza di Oslo, dove l’International Peace Bureau ha celebrato il centenario del suo Premio Nobel per la Pace, l’IPB per la prima volta ha eletto insieme, per la propria Presidenza, un uomo e una donna, che dirigeranno il Board per i prossimi 3 anni. Qui sotto riportiamo l’importante comunicato.

Sept. 26, 2010, Oslo. At the end of a four-day conference in Oslo where the International Peace Bureau celebrated the centenary of its Nobel Peace Prize, the IPB for the very first time elected one woman and one man to jointly head the organization for the coming three years. This was considered an innovative way of meeting the many challenges confronting the organization. It is also the first time that a Norwegian is elected President of IPB. Ingeborg Breines, Director of the Nordland Academy for Arts and Sciences in Northern Norway and a former UNESCO director, is sharing the presidency with Tomas Magnusson, a former journalist and director of the Swedish humanitarian organization GI.

At the conference ’A Climate of Peace’, organized by IPB in cooperation with the Norwegian Peace Council, more than 100 representatives of the membership (320 organizations in 70 countries) were present. At the IPB Assembly 17 organizations were elected as new members; a sign that the organization is both relevant and robust.

”I look forward to contributing to the strengthening of IPB’s role in a world where the peace movement is more and more needed”, said Ingeborg Breines, Co-President, who brings a particular commitment to the realization of the vision of a culture of peace.

A series of important topics were discussed during the conference, not least the war in Afghanistan and the challenges of coordinating the growing opposition to an invasion and a war that step by step is losing all meaning. The nuclear threat was also prominently on the agenda, where the challenge for IPB is to help mobilize support both from civil society and governments in favour of the draft Nuclear Weapons Convention elaborated by a consortium of peace organizations.

Several testimonies, analyses and reports were presented during these days in Oslo, including on the lack of resources available to reach the Millennium Development Goals, whilst the world at the same time accepts growing military budgets involving unimaginable financial resources.

”It is only through disarmament and through the transfer of resources from military budgets to human development that we can reach the MDGs”, said Tomas Magnusson, Co-President.

Tomas Magnusson, IPB co-President

Tomas Magnusson, IPB co-President

Ingeborg Breines, IPB co-President

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